Top 3 Benefits of Automatic Horizontal Cartoning Machines

When a leading US candle alternative manufacturer faced the challenge of meeting skyrocketing sales demands in their existing space, they knew they needed automation to keep up. After reaching out to a few suppliers, one our partners connected them with us here at Econocorp–and the rest is history. Once the…

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What is Case Pack Quantity?

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When you deal with supply chains, it’s important to be familiar with the lingo. Industry jargon gets thrown around a lot, especially in manufacturing, distribution, and retail outlets. One term you’ll probably hear often is “case pack quantity”. In this post, we’ll explain this common packaging term and dig into…

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A Checklist to Prepare for Equipment Installation

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Companies purchase and install new equipment when they are enhancing operations, increasing capacity, or when existing equipment reaches the end of its usable lifespan. New packaging equipment is always an exciting install to make since it often ushers in less work for employees, reduced packaging waste, and more consistent product…

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Ways Your Business Can Help Reduce Packaging Waste

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Sustainability is a hot topic in today’s eco-conscious society, with managers scrambling to find ways to make their operations less impactful on the environment. Packaging waste is a sore spot in this conversation, as product and shipping packaging materials are often single-use and/or not recyclable. Reducing the amount of waste…

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The Difference Between Corrugated and Traditional Cardboard

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Cardboard is a term often thrown around to describe just about any paper-based box. However, not all cardboard is created equal. There are two primary types of cardboard: traditional cardboard (often referred to as paperboard) and corrugated cardboard. Each type has unique properties, making them suitable for different uses. Understanding…

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Best Packaging System for Sodas

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Packaging for the beverage industry must meet a variety of demands that aren’t required for packaging in most industries. Beverage packaging must prevent spoilage to keep the product safe for consumption, preserve freshness, be convenient for consumer use, and live it to sustainability expectations.  At Econocorp, we take pride in…

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Common Questions About Wrap-Around Cartoning Machines

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Wrap-around cartoning machines have become quite popular in recent years. These innovative cartoners group products together in a preset pattern, then actually wrap the cardboard packaging around the products instead of erecting the carton ahead of time. This time-saving design also allows wrap-around cartoners to take up less space on…

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Contract Packagers & Econocorp

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In the dynamic world of contract packaging, the quest for efficiency, flexibility, and versatility in packaging equipment is ubiquitous. Econocorp, a top-quality packaging equipment manufacturing company, is ready to meet these demands, offering an array of innovative solutions that cater to the unique needs of contract packagers worldwide. Customizable Packaging…

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