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The speed at which your packaging machines can produce products is an essential component of your company’s overall success, so it is critical that you invest in machinery that is reliable, efficient, and durable. When you strategically increase uptime, you not only minimize downtime, but you keep your packaging line running smoothly and maximize the overall efficiency of your processes.

Why Does Downtime Occur?

There are many components that contribute to packaging line downtime, but the most significant cause is the time it takes to switch over rolls of packaging materials as they expire. Each switch can take up to five minutes. Accumulated over an entire day or week, this is a large time loss. Since every minute comes with a cost, decreased throughput accounts for potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue per year.

Furthermore, poor packaging material slicing is known to cause significant downtime. When splices are not achieved properly, they tend to fail during production and cause the line to fail and shut down until everything has been rethreaded. Since rethreading can eat away anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour and tends to happen at least once a week, packaging lines lose valuable productivity to this issue.

Taking Steps to Improve Your Uptime

If you can find reliable ways to improve the uptime of your packaging machines, your company’s revenue will benefit tremendously. Whether you are cartoning, case packing, or tray forming, Econocorp Inc., based in Randolph, Massachusetts, offers the machinery that is sure to dramatically improve the uptime of your low to moderate volume production. Their machines are economical to purchase, operate, and maintain while remaining reliably efficient. The easy-to-use equipment increases output and reduces labor hours, which saves your company twice as much money.

Call (781) 986-7500 now to learn more about the systems offered at Econocorp and prepare to improve your own uptime by using their state-of-the-art machines.