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Has demand for your product increased in the last year? Now that the new year is almost upon us, it is time to think about expanding your operation. The end of the year is the best time to make large purchases such as this. If your current carton systems are not working well enough to keep up with your expanded volume, the Pegasus cartoner could help you take your business to the next level.

Completely Automated

The Pegasus cartoner is completely automated. You only need to load your product and cartons, and the cartoner does the rest of the work. It is only suitable for end load cartons, but it can produce about 120 cartons per minute. The cartoner loads your product into the carton using a barrel cam loader, and the completed carton is delivered out of the other side on a conveyor belt. 

Further Automate Your Process

You can further automate your process by adding conveyor belts to the front end of the machine. This can allow you to automatically load your product into the cartoner for loading into the carton. This can save a lot of time and effort.

Fewer Employees Needed

If you have the Pegasus cartoner, you need fewer employees to run your operation, which in turn saves you money on your bottom line. The Pegasus cartoner can be easily operated by a single individual, although the process may be easier with additional help. Still, you can produce about 120 cartons per minute with just one individual running the machine.

If you are interested in taking your business to the next level with the Pegasus cartoner, contact us today for more information or to place your order.