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You hear many companies talk about how much they value their employees, but the proof is in the actions, not the words. At Econocorp, we walk the talk by actively investing in the betterment of our employees, from the production floor up to senior management. Every person at Econocorp plays an integral role in our success as one of the leaders in the secondary packaging machinery industry, so we work hard to make sure they know how appreciated they are.

Just a few of the ways we show our employees how much we value their commitment and contributions include:

Competitive Salary & Benefits

We want a high-quality, dedicated team, and the only way to build that is to start with the basics.

Comfy break rooms or flexible work hours are nice, but when it comes down to it, employees want fair and reasonable compensation for their time and effort. This is why Econocorp offers one of the best compensation packages in our industry and location. From competitive wages to benefits that you can actually use, our employees get the compensation they deserve.


Even if an employee is really great at their job, there are other things they want to do for the rest of their career. At Econocorp, we recognize the importance of giving employees the flexibility to learn and engage within multiple roles across our organization. For employees who choose to do so, we offer extensive cross-training programs that allow them to pick up new skills, network with other employees, and build a foundation to advance within the company.

Advancement Opportunities

One of the biggest complaints we hear from new hires coming from other companies in the manufacturing sector is that there was no opportunity for advancement at their previous employer. We never want our employees to feel like their job has become still and stagnant, so we have several advancement programs in place to help employees who want to move up the corporate ladder do so.

Addressing Personal Needs

Even the best employees sometimes have personal issues, and we realize that it’s not always possible to leave those issues at the door when a work shift begins. We strive to make a personal connection with all of our employees and let them know that we are here to support them even in times of personal crisis. We have a range of strategies we can implement to help our employees and their families overcome personal obstacles, from employee assistance programs to PTO/FMLA to flexible work schedules and more.

Come Work for a Company That Cares

Are you tired of working for a company that doesn’t even treat you like a person? Then come find out why Econocorp employees stay for an average of 15 years! We want our employees to build meaningful careers out of their time here with us and never feel like they’re just trudging away at a job. For more information about working at Econocorp, contact us at (781) 986-7500 or email today.